About Census 2022

The census is a collection of data that involves the entire population of Hungary, and is usually organised every ten years. It is carried out simultaneously throughout the whole country, using the same questions and methodology, covering every dwelling and person. The census provides an accurate and detailed account of the size, demographic and employment characteristics, health status, qualifications, ethnic and religious composition and living and housing conditions of the entire population of Hungary.

Census results have practical relevance in several areas:

  • Census data provide a reliable basis for the preparation of the most important decisions regarding economic and social development and spatial planning both in your immediate and wider area.
  • They provide important information on local supply and service needs.
  • They bring visibility to minorities, such as people with disabilities and religious communities.
  • Census data also facilitate information so that businesses can plan more confidently, for example when opening a new shop or expanding local services.
  • They also provide a basis for scientific research and analysis.
  • The census in Hungary is part of a global programme, as censuses are held almost simultaneously in all countries of the world. Census data helps us to give an accurate picture of ourselves to our neighbours, the European Union and the world.

Duration of the Census

Questionnaires could be filled in online independently from 1 October until 10 am on 19 October 2022.

Between 20 October and 20 November, census enumerators visited households that had not completed the questionnaire online by 10 am on 19 October.

Between 21 and 28 November, those who did not take part in the census by 20 November could submit their data at their local Mayor’s Office.

The Census reflects the situation of households on 1 October 2022, at midnight, i.e. the questions of the questionnaire must have been answered based on the situation at that time.

Census participants

A census is only effective if it gives an accurate picture of the population of our country. This is why it is important that we all participate in the census, which is our duty in accordance with Act CI of 2018 on the census.

The questionnaire must have been filled in by:

  • everyone living in Hungary,
  • those who are temporarily staying abroad for less than 12 months,
  • foreign nationals who have resided in Hungary for at least 3 months.

The census also provided information on housing conditions. The housing data provide an accurate picture of the housing conditions of households. The census covered:

  • dwellings,
  • holiday properties with residential licences and other residential units,
  • community night shelters.

Please note that the data of vacant dwellings must also have been provided in the questionnaire.