


The census resident population includes, as a general rule, persons whose only place of residence is the census enumeration place or, if they have more than one place of residence, the census enumeration place is considered to be their usual place of residence, where they spend most of their nights, whether registered or not. Foreigners living in Hungary are included in the resident population if they have been living or intending to live in Hungary for at least 12 months.



A dwelling is a group of premises (living, cooking, sanitary, etc.) originally built or converted into a dwelling for permanent human accommodation or residence (home) and currently also suitable for residential use, and which are usually technically (architecturally) connected, with independent access from the public area, the courtyard or a common space within the building (staircase, corridor, etc.).

Dwelling stock

The dwelling stock is an aggregate of traditional housing statistics and is defined as the sum of occupied and unoccupied dwellings.

Construction period

The year of construction of dwellings in newly constructed or completely reconstructed buildings had to be determined according to the year of issue of the occupancy permit or, in the absence of such a permit, the year of the first occupant's move-in.


According to the technology and the materials used in the construction of external walls of the building, the following categories have been used:

  • brick, stone, manually laid blocks,
  • factory made components (panel),
  • intermediate or large concrete blocks,
  • timber,
  • adobe, mud,
  • other.

Type of ownership

The ownership of the dwellings relates to the whole dwelling irrespectively whether the dwelling has one or more owners (common ownership), whether or not the owner lives in the dwelling, or what legal occupancy status the residents enumerated in the dwelling have.

Floor space of dwellings

The floor space of the dwelling is the total useful floor space of all the premises in the dwelling. The floor space of entrance halls, built-in wardrobes, pantries, kitchen and bathroom equipment, etc. is included in the floor space of the dwelling. Half of the floor area of the lodge, covered (enclosed) terrace and covered (enclosed) balcony, and in the case of attics (mansard), the area with a ceiling height of 1.9 m or more is included in the floor space of the dwelling. Excluded from the floor space are galleries, cellars, attics, garages, open balconies and open terraces.

Premises of the dwelling


A room is a space (bedroom, children's room, dining room, etc.) of at least 6 m2 with direct natural light and ventilation (door, window), intended for sleeping or living. The number of rooms shall include halls with windows, dining rooms, and room-like premises used as surgeries, waiting rooms, offices, etc.

Cooking room

A cooking room is a kitchen or kitchenette set up and used for cooking (possibly eating), usually with direct natural lighting and ventilation (windows, doors).


A bathroom (shower, washbasin) is a room in the dwelling used for sanitary purposes, usually equipped with plumbing, drainage and bathing (toilet) facilities.


District heating

A dwelling is heated by district heating (piped from a heat centre) if the heating is provided by a thermal power plant, heating plant or thermal water to several buildings at the same time.

Central heating in multi-dwelling buildings

A dwelling is heated by a boiler or other means which heats more than one dwelling in a building if the heat is supplied to the dwellings in the building comprising the dwelling by a boiler installed in the building or in direct connection with the building.

Central heating, per dwelling

A dwelling is heated by a central heating system, boiler or other means, if the premises of a dwelling or a single dwelling building are heated from a single heating point.

Heating rooms individually

In the case of dwellings heated by convectors, stoves or other means, the heating of the rooms is provided individually. The dwellings without heating equipment or without heating conditions at the time of the survey are also recorded here.


Dwelling with all amenities

A dwelling with all amenities has at least one living room with a floor area of more than 12 m2, a cooking room, a bathroom and (in the bathroom or separate room) a flush toilet, electricity, water supply, sewage disposal, hot water supply, central heating.

Dwelling with principal amenities

A dwelling with principal amenities has one living room with a floor space of at least 12 m2, a cooking room, a bathroom and a flush toilet, electricity, water supply, sewage disposal, hot water supply and heating per room.

Dwelling with part of amenities

A dwelling with part of amenities (half-comfort) has at least one living room of more than 12 m2, a cooking area, a bathroom or flush toilet, electricity, water supply and heating per room.

Dwelling without comfort

A dwelling without comfort has at least one living room with a floor space of more than 12 m2, a cooking area and heating per room.

Emergency and other dwellings

Emergency and other housing cannot be classified in any of the comfort categories.


Piped water from community scheme

A dwelling is provided with piped water from community scheme if it is supplied through a tap (utility or nonutility) connected to the water supply network in a room of the dwelling.

Piped water from private source

A dwelling with piped water from private source is a dwelling in which the water is piped, usually from a well in the building's plot or yard, to a tap in the dwelling.

Hot running water

A dwelling is provided with hot running water if the hot running water for cleaning and domestic use is supplied by a mains water supply, a central boiler or any individual (local) water heating appliance (including a small capacity so-called kitchen water heater).

A dwelling is provided with a flush toilet if there is a flush toilet connected to a sewer within the dwelling, either in a separate room or in the bathroom.

Public sewage facility

A dwelling connected to a public sewerage system or to a sewerage system of a public nature is considered to be equipped with a public sewer.

Domestic sewer

A dwelling with a domestic sewer is a dwelling from which wastewater is discharged to a closed sewage tank, septic tank (digester) or other place on the building site.

Wired internet

Wired internet is a network that provides access to the internet through a wired connection to a service provider.

Air conditioning equipment

Air conditioning is a device used to ensure a constant temperature in the home by controlling the humidity and temperature of the air.

Heat pump

A heat pump is a heating appliance that extracts heat from a lower temperature environment, transfers it to a higher temperature location and transfers it to the environment there.

Solar panel

A solar panel is a device that converts solar energy directly into electricity.

Solar collector

A solar collector is a device that usessolar energy for supplementary heating and hot water production.