Census 2022 Preliminary results

Preliminary data - Main population and housing characteristics (national and regional data)

06 June 2023

On 1 October 2022, Hungary had a population of 9.6 million and 4.6 million dwellings. The former is 3.4% less and the latter 4.3% more than in the previous census. By 2022, housing density has been further reduced. The average floor area of occupied dwellings continued to increase, a higher proportion of them had all modern conveniences compared to the 2011 Census, and nearly three quarters had wired internet in 2022.

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Tables in Excel format

Retrospective data at national level and by county

1.1.1. Population by age group and sex
1.2.1. Dwellings and their occupants, density standard
1.2.2. Occupied dwellings by type of ownership
1.2.3. Occupied dwellings by number of rooms
1.2.4. Equipment of occupied dwellings
1.2.5. Occupied dwellings by type of heating
1.2.6. Occupied dwellings by level of comfort

Data at national level as well as by type of settlement, region and county

2.1.1. Population by itemized age groups and sex, 2022
2.2.1. Occupied dwellings by number of occupants and density standard, 2022
2.2.2. Occupied dwellings by type of ownership, 2022
2.2.3. Occupied dwellings by number of rooms, 2022
2.2.4. Occupied dwellings by floor space, 2022
2.2.5. Occupied dwellings by period of construction, 2022
2.2.6. Occupied dwellings by the material of outer walls, 2022
2.2.7. Occupied dwellings by equipment, 2022
2.2.8. Occupied dwellings by type of heating, 2022
2.2.9. Occupied dwellings by heating fuels, 2022
2.2.10. Occupied dwellings by level of comfort, 2022
2.2.11. Unoccupied dwellings by type of ownership, 2022
2.2.12. Unoccupied dwellings by number of rooms, 2022

Data by settlement

3.1.1. Population by age groups and sex, 2022
3.2.1. Occupancy status of dwellings by number of occupants and density standard, 2022
3.2.2. Dwellings by type of ownership, 2022
3.2.3. Dwellings by number of rooms, 2022
3.2.4. Dwellings by floor space, 2022
3.2.5. Dwellings by equipment, 2022
3.2.6. Dwellings by type of heating, 2022
3.2.7. Dwellings by level of comfort, 2022
