Final data – Main population characteristics (national and regional data)
2023 26 September
According to the final census data, on 1 October 2022, there were 9 603 634 people living in Hungary, 98% of them Hungarian citizens. Since the previous census in 2011, the population has decreased by 334 thousand, while the number of older age groups has increased. Employment has increased significantly in line with the labour market restructuring. Education levels have continued to improve and more people speak foreign languages.

Preliminary data - Main population and housing characteristics (national and regional data)
2023 06 June
On 1 October 2022, Hungary had a population of 9.6 million and 4.6 million dwellings. The former is 3.4% less and the latter 4.3% more than in the previous census. By 2022, housing density has been further reduced. The average floor area of occupied dwellings continued to increase, a higher proportion of them had all modern conveniences compared to the 2011 Census, and nearly three quarters had wired internet in 2022.

Preliminary data – Population and housing numbers
2023 16 February
Hungary’s population was 9,604 thousand on 1 October 2022 according to preliminary data for the Census. The most, 10,709 thousand people lived on the present area of Hungary in 1980, since when the number of inhabitants has continuously decreased. The main reason for this is natural decrease: owing to the ageing age structure, 464 thousand more people have died than have been born since the previous Census. This decrease was lowered by an immigration surplus of 131 thousand people – the majority arriving from neighbouring countries. Hungary’s dwelling stock consisted of 4,593 thousand dwellings.